GeoliticaSM gives you the data and tools
you need to better serve your community.
View and share operations metrics with rich graphics and exportable formats.
Manage specific missions for each shift, beat and day of week.
Reduce crime with rates data-driven community policing guidance.
To earn and maintain the trust of the public, departments must maintain a high level of transparency in their operations. Geolitica gives your department the data and tools you need to keep local government and the public in the loop.
Geolitica’s COMPSTAT-like analytics and reporting module provides a quick summary of rich and complex datasets. Our point-and-click interface lets you create custom reports instantly – by any combination of crime types, missions, districts and shifts over any date range.
Here are some examples of our key transparency reports:
Patrol operations are the largest and most visible part of your department. But all too often, patrol officers are judged on negative metrics: how many tickets, how many stops, how many arrests. All of these represent negative interactions with the community.
Geolitica helps you manage your officers in a way that focuses on the positive aspects of the services your department provides. By focusing on “public safety” instead of “law enforcement,” you can build trust and legitimacy with your key stakeholders.
A key part of managing your officers is just making sure they are spending time in the areas where they are supposed to patrol. Geolitica helps with that by allowing you to set patrol guidance for specific locations down to a very granular level of a 500x500-foot box.
Patrol boxes can vary by shift, day of the week, and time of the year. Command staff and crime analysts may define them in a number of different ways:
Once your patrol boxes are set, our AVL-based tracking capabilities let you monitor that your officers are going to the recommended locations and how much time they are spending there. This effectively closes the loop between guidance and compliance for your patrol officers in the field.
Geolitica lets you see how much time is being spent by your officers not only in patrol boxes but in every part of your jurisdiction. You can create weekly or monthly patrol heatmaps to see if areas are being overpatrolled or underpatrolled. You can quickly identify “resource hotspots” – areas that see an inordinate amount of officer time – and problem-solve to identify the issues that are driving those hotspots.
Employees work more effectively when expectations are being clearly communicated and measured. By setting patrol guidance and communicating expectations, your officers know exactly what is expected of them.
As a public safety agency, your simplest measure of effectiveness is whether crime rates have gone up or down. That’s the proven COMPSTAT measure of effectiveness. Geolitica customers have consistently seen double-digit reductions in targeted crimes after deployment. As crime rates go down, your officers go from reactive mode to proactive mode. This gives them more time for positive activities like problem solving and community building, building trust with the community.
We recently conducted a study of the return on investment with one of our customers, a police agency in the southeastern US. Their crime rates dropped significantly in all targeted categories within a year of their initial deployment. They now spend less time responding to calls for service and investigating crimes, giving them more time to work proactively with the community to improve public safety. We found that for every dollar spent on Geolitica, they got back roughly $29 in additional officer time.