Residential burglary is one of the most common felony crimes in the US, with about 1.1 million incidents reported per year. That works out to more than 2 burglaries per minute, every day of the year. It’s also an expensive crime: FBI data shows that the average loss in a residential burglary is a...
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We’re pleased to announce that as of today we are changing our name from PredPol to Geolitica. This new name – a mashup of “geographical analytics” – better represents the direction our company has taken over the last few years.
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Everyone wants to make sure their tax dollars are being spent wisely! But it’s usually hard to figure out the impact of that money on the problem it’s intended to solve. Sometimes it’s even harder to measure the return on a technology investment. But Geolitica is a data-driven company, so we set...
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We are excited to introduce our newest feature, Points of Interest. Points of Interest (POIs) is a tool for adding your own internal information to the map. POIs provide different styles of markers that are displayed on the main map and offer the ability to attach additional information about spe...
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George Floyd’s killing in Minneapolis was nothing less than a tragedy and a breakdown of the social contract between the protector and the protected. We know, as a nation, that far too many similar tragedies pervade our country’s history. Yet despite the increased recent attention on policing pr...
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